




Training plays a central role in OLADE’s activities and objectives, which is why this year it was decided to restructure both its offer and its follow-up.

Globalization and the ease of accessing virtual training have increased the number of people who can train remotely and autonomously. However, this does not always guarantee quality or specific reference material for a context such as energy in our region.

The proposal of this new training program offered by OLADE for the year 2024 follows a common thread focusing on the fight against climate change, on the just energy transition that LAC must undergo, on the resources available in our region, on the technological diversity that can be implemented in our member countries and on the energy policies that are being updated to respond to this new context.

OLADE’s Executive Program in Energy Transitions for Latin America and the Caribbean offers a segmented and articulated training program that allows participants to choose their own training path with the objective of either deepening their knowledge of a particular topic or diversifying their scope.

With this premise, the cycle of courses and training was restructured and organized under 5 thematic pillars, complementary to each other, which allow the audience to choose between advancing with a diverse and comprehensive vision of the energy sector, or specializing in a specific area. These pillars are the following:

  • Technologies and aspects related to renewable energy, nuclear energy, clean and new generation fuels, low-emission hydrogen, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), biodiesel, and green diesel.
  • Hydrocarbons and the extractive sector, including natural gas, critical minerals, fossil fuels and their transformation and decarbonization processes, associated emissions, thermal generation, and regional gas integration.
  • Just Energy Transition that includes challenges in energy efficiency, central social aspects such as gender equality and diversity in the region’s energy sector, heating and clean cooking, access gaps, productive chains and the promotion of local value chains, industrial and transport decarbonization, and electromobility.
  • Energy policies that include the attraction of investments, access to financing, energy planning, and regulations in the electricity sector linked to the transmission, distribution, marketing, as well as the digitization and incorporation of Big Data in the sector.
  • Regional Energy Integration and its multiple dimensions and challenges in interconnected electricity systems and pipeline infrastructure, regulatory harmonization and common energy agendas between countries.

This classification will allow participants to get to know the contents of the axes in detail and check if they match their interests. Each of these thematic pillars contains a wide variety of courses that will be available on the web. In addition, each of them has an introductory module that describes the importance in the general energy context and a module of fundamental concepts of the subject under study.

The proposal for the current year includes the following courses:

Maintaining the same participation and evaluation policies for the courses that OLADE has followed in recent years, two additional innovative mentions were added for participants who meet one or both of these requirements.

Those who participate and approve all the courses of the same thematic pillar during the 2024 cycle will receive a distinction from the OLADE training center as a SPECIALIZED participant in the chosen THEMATIC PILLAR. In turn, those who participate and pass the minimum requirements of all the thematic pillars for 2024 of OLADE’s training agenda will receive the distinction of SPECIALIZED participant in Energy Transitions for having completed OLADE’s Executive Program in Energy Transitions and Integration.

In this program we have the support of our strategic partners, such as: IICA, UNIDO, BYD, Mission Innovation, U.S. Grains Council, GET.Transform, ALADI, REDESCO and Global ESCO Network.

Therefore, convinced that we will be able to distinguish a large number of participants at the end of the cycle, we invite you to visit our training site and sign up for the courses that are of interest to you, hoping that we can meet the expectations that participants place in our courses year after year.